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     For most Seventh-day Adventists the answer is a

foregone conclusion; it takes place at the second coming when Jesus takes the righteous to glory for a thousand

years and the wicked are left here below in their graves. After all, didn't Christ say the Harvest is the "end of the world?" Furthermore, didn't Ellen White also tell us that

the wheat and tares will be to together until the close of time?

     Yes, it is true that this is the standard teaching of the church. But somehow could we have misunderstood the subject of the harvest?

     It is true that Jesus' return in the clouds brings about a separation, but it is not the same one of Matthew 13. Now

before you relegate this idea to the  realm of absurdity, please give it a fair hearing.  We are confident that if you stay with it, you will see clear biblical and Spirit of Prophecy evidence that the Harvest of Matthew 13 takes place before the final close of probation and the falling of the seven last plagues—which is, of course, before the second coming. Keep in mind the injunction of the Apostle Paul who told

us to: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (I Thessalonians 5:21) The servant of the Lord instructed us to: "take pains to hear the reasons, a messenger may give," 1 and that we should remember that "we have many lessons to learn, and many, many to unlearn." 2 So let us go right to the Scriptures and refresh our memories with the parable.

In giving the parable of the wheat and tares our Savior said to let

them both grow together up to the harvest. (Matthew 13:30). This mandate is clear and emphatic; let the good and bad remain together until the time of separation. But what is the harvest? When is it to take place?

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